Entropy Happens.
Join the madness.
You don't have to push the boundaries when you set the standards.
Connotation. 1. a. The configuration of suggestive or associative implications consitiuting the general sense of an abstract espression beyond its literal, explicit sense. b. A secondary
meaning suggested by a word in addition to its literal meaning. 3. Logic The total of the attributes constituting the meaning of a term.
Observations, opinions, and ideas, all brought to you by Daily Connotations Company. Who Else?
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Disclaimer: Any opinions contained on this page are those of, well, we don't really know who.
Any offense taken to anything present should be directed to Sven, who will file and ignore your comments.
Praise or compliments can be directed to either Dr. N, Dr. What, or Dr. Olga. All plagarized material has been tested and deemed satisfactory according to the esteemed code of Lehrer, version 2.3.
IMPORTANT NOTICE TO VIEWERS: The Entire Physical Universe, Including This Blog, May One Day Collapse Back into an Infinitesimally Small Space. Should Another Universe Subsequently Re-emerge, the Existence of This Blog in That Universe Cannot Be Guaranteed.
Team Members
- Sven Bjorn Borg
- Sven has been with d-con since its humble beginnings, and is responsible for punctuating, finances,
guarding the office from rabid dogs and loud noises, and acting as mediator amongst the other members. Dr. Borge is well-known as the world's foremost (and perhaps only) underwater-basket-weaving expert.
Sven has recently published no less than 3 books, Klingon Grammar and Vocabulary
for humans, Life among the Grapes, and Escher, Bach, Gödel: A gigantic elastic bungalow. In it's copious spare time, the Sven enjoys playing the harpsichord and diagramming sentences. Sven is Chief of Staff
and Director of Intelligence in the UPICN,LLC.
- Dr. Bob William "The Orange" Lavoisier
a.k.a. Dr. Henry Parsons
- Dr. N, as we like to call him, is officially the initiator of the Daily Connotations Company, and also holds important
Offices in the VVIIPP society of America and The Department of Redundancy Department, which is a place where he
holds an important office in the department of redundancy. Henry also spent a good deal of his life studying the behavior of Walruses (Walri?) in the wild, inspired by a long-running correspondence with Mr. J. Lennon, who, in fact, convinced "The Orange" that he was, in fact, a walrus. Dr. Parsons' curriculum vitae is rounded out by his extensive family history (including a brother, Alan), and double Ph.D. honors in Botany and the Study of Scandinavian Languages.
Recently, Dr. Henry Parsons was elected president of the UPICN,LLC
- The Doctor
a.k.a. Dr. What??
- Dr. What joins us now as a member of d-Con in very good standing. It is important that the doctor not be confused
with his slightly-more-popular brother, Doctor Who, who has carved a niche for himself in the field of time travel.
Dr. What never developed the talent for time travel, and has the ability to visit only two distinct temporal locations:
The beheading of John the Baptist and that one time when Stanley met Livingstone (or was it Livingstone met Stanley?)
Consequently, he spends much of his time knitting (the scarves, natch) on the planet Gallifrey whilst (and at
the same time) contemplating Nietzschean philosophies and memorizing much of Immanuel Kant's work, both in the original
- Dr. Phelealabean
- Dr. Phelealabean also uses the alias Dr. Olga Olathe Parsons-Uhlmer. Dr. Parsons-Uhlmer is a sister to Henry and Alan. She has a dual honorary doctorate in Arabian Literature and Language. She also has teaching experience at the University of Rekjavik which was held in a small grass-covered hut. She iswidowed after an incident involving her husband and abandonment which she is not allowed to discuss pending criminal charges. Now that she is alone, she enjoys spending summers with her brother, Henry, in his summer home, The Parsonon.
There's a reason this section is at the bottom of the column. Um, I think someone called us 'interesting' once, maybe. That's about it.
copyright 2003-2006. steal what you want.
Fascinating political atmosphere today -
30 children killed in an attack on the dedication of a sewage system in Iraq.
10 new hostages in Iraq.
Presidential Debate on foreign policy on any TV station worth watching tonight.
--Posted by s. on Thursday, September 30, 2004.
9.Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.
--Posted by a. on Wednesday, September 29, 2004.
An interesting observation from Burling basement:
All of Emily Dickinson's poems can, in fact, be sung to the Gilligan's Island theme song.
Might be an improvement . . .(although they still slant rhyme interminably.)
--Posted by s. on Wednesday, September 29, 2004.
8.Be careful of reading health books. You may die of a misprint.
--Posted by a. on Tuesday, September 28, 2004.
Remember, friends, that certain book that I lost last year at quiz bowl??
I have replaced it with a new and better copy, for no less than twenty-five cents!
How exciting!!!
--Posted by s. on Tuesday, September 28, 2004.
7.Barring that natural expression of villainy, which we all have, the man looked honest enough.
--Posted by a. on Monday, September 27, 2004.
Sorry about the delay
4. Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their gaurd and give you an opportunity to commit more.
5. Always do right. This will gratify some people and gratify the rest.
6. An Englishman is a person who does things because they have been done before. An American is a person who does things because they haven't been done before.
--Posted by a. on Monday, September 27, 2004.
War in Iraq? No!
--Posted by s. on Saturday, September 25, 2004.
3. A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval
--Posted by a. on Thursday, September 23, 2004.
Come to the party,
and feel free to bring your Spaniard.
--Posted by a. on Thursday, September 23, 2004.
No bumper sticker today. Instead, I am going to spend three straight minutes word-associating, sans punctuation or explanation. It should be interesting. Clock starts NOW:
cat hat french chatte chapeau cheating liar plagarism death sex drugs rock stone beatles cheese cleese renoir john rocket cold hot library computer details binder writing school schimmelpflutzer wasting time dear funeral coffin enlightening delete cheat meat meet sweet heat hot mot dot-to-dot ellen charise les miserables buffet bordeaux delikatessen arthur aardvark aaron avram anton apollo oh no ono cher sonny hunny house donkey dearly beloved cleese buyer seller sellers peter sellers closeau.
Times Up!
Well, that was enlightening, no?
--Posted by s. on Thursday, September 23, 2004.
A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.
--Posted by a. on Wednesday, September 22, 2004.
Help is on the way!
--Posted by s. on Wednesday, September 22, 2004.
For the next 101 days I hope to bring you a Mark Twain Quote daily
1. A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain.
--Posted by a. on Tuesday, September 21, 2004.
--Posted by a. on Tuesday, September 21, 2004.
Republicans for Voldemort
--Posted by s. on Tuesday, September 21, 2004.
Somewhere in Texas. . .
A village is missing its idiot
--Posted by s. on Monday, September 20, 2004.
Every Child Left Behind.
Isn't it time to vote Democrat?
--Posted by s. on Sunday, September 19, 2004.
A little patience goes a long way,
Too much patience goes nowhere.
--Posted by a. on Sunday, September 19, 2004.
John Kerry. . .
Bringing complete sentences back to the White House.
--Posted by s. on Sunday, September 19, 2004.
Before describing somthing of interest to someone, please consider the following:
Awesome----is it really awe inspiring
Radiant----is it really giving off heat or light
Radical----does it really have anything to do with roots
Terrific---is it really terrifing
Exciting---does it really increase your energy
("When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone,"It means just what I choose it too- neither more nor less.")
--Posted by a. on Saturday, September 18, 2004.
I've been walking down memory lane. . .
Without a ding-dong thing on my mind.
--Posted by s. on Saturday, September 18, 2004.
I must thank you all(ahem,one) for the very warm welcome.
If you haven't already discovered I am a very strong supporter of my brother (Dr. Who). It's probably worth pointing out that although we both claim each other fully in actuality we are not full brothers. The very nature of time makes it impossible(we are very sorry that we can't explain fully but at this time translation into this language is not possible).
--Posted by a. on Friday, September 17, 2004.
On the existence of extraterristrial life:
The best evidence that intelligent life exists out there is that it hasn't tried to contact us yet.
--Posted by a. on Friday, September 17, 2004.
If you think you are capable of living without writing, do not write
-Rainer Marie Rilke
--Posted by s. on Thursday, September 16, 2004.
There is substantial evidence that is Captian Kirks Past of sexual misconduct and numerous legal violations. More information to follow.
Dr. Who/Romana It's the Time that matters
The k-9 organization is responsible for the content of this message
--Posted by a. on Thursday, September 16, 2004.
This post left blank for further use.
--Posted by s. on Wednesday, September 15, 2004.
And now here's something you'll really like. . .
Well, I certainly wouldn't count on that. But perhaps a bit more substantial.
I've been re-reading daily connotations from its inception, and have made a decision.
I'm not going to perform any major changes in the next month. The template will remain the same. Our comments have all disappeared as a result of a server change, so I will probably be removing that feature for now (particularly since no one really uses them anyway.)
I have set up an official D-Con email account (dailycon@gmail.com), as I was invited to do so by google. Now I have the computing capabilities to use gmail (system X is beautiful.), I will check it on occasion. If for some strange reason you should feel the need to contact me personally and do not have any of my 5 personal addresses (yes. Five. I'm sorry), feel free to use gmail. I will try to check it at least weekly. Also, I have invitations to gmail, if you want a google mail account and think you have the capabilities to use it, and are getting spammed out of whatever particular provider is your choice, perhaps you could plead with me and/or bribe me into inviting YOU.
Allow me to take a few moments to welcome our newest (and bestest) member: Dr. What. I shall leave it to him to introduce himself more fully when he gets a moment or two, but the new bio shall soon be appearing. Hopefully this will breathe some new life-blood into our little community. (I just finished reading Dracula. I'm big on the blood imagery right now).
Also, some questions you may be asking:
Are you like this in person?
That depends on who you ask. Most people claim I'm a little more squishy.
Where are you from?Don't post questions until you read the biographies, silly man! (or woman. I don't want to be sexist).
Why haven't you posted anything about Ken Jennings?
Just you wait. I have an obituary prepared. . .
Would you like some toast? No! Smeghead!
Are you a type-A or type-B personality B. Totally and completely. I believe I've even addressed that already.
Have you ever had anyone actually laugh at one of your jokes? Yes. That just shows that there are people more geeky than I am. And speaking of jokes:
If God had intended for man to use the metric system,
Jesus would have only had ten disciples!
Don't you have anything else you should be doing? Yes. And actually, I'm doing it. Right now. And then there's that other thing - but I can do that later, I guess. Anyway, as long as I'm doing something - or in the case of Sartre, doing nothing, Nothing doing. . .
How much sleep have you gotten recently? Sleep? Ah, yes, I remember. Best part of the day. I think I've slept. Sometime. This week, maybe even. But I don't really miss it. I don't.. . z.z.z.zzzzz
Why don't you shut up?
. . .
--Posted by s. on Wednesday, September 15, 2004.
A preachment, dear friends, you're about to receive,
on John Barleycorn, nicotine, and the temptations of Eve...
I once was happy and I had a good life
I had enough money to last me for life
I met with a gal and we went on a spree
She taught me to smoke and to drink whiskey.
Cigarettes and whiskey and wild wild women
They'll drive you crazy they'll drive you insane.
Cigarettes and whiskey and wild wild women
They'll drive you crazy they'll drive you insane.
Cigarettes is a blot on the whole human race.
A man is a monkey with one in his face.
That's my definition, believe me dear brother,
A fire on one end and a fool on the t'other.
Cigarettes and whiskey and wild wild women
They'll drive you crazy they'll drive you insane.
Cigarettes and whiskey and wild wild women
They'll drive you crazy they'll drive you insane.
Write on the cross at the head of my grave
To women and whiskey here lies a poor slave
Take warning dear stranger, take warning dear friend.
They'll write in big letters these words at my end.
Cigarettes and whiskey and wild wild women
They'll drive you crazy they'll drive you insane.
Cigarettes and whiskey and wild wild women
They'll drive you crazy they'll drive you insane.
They'll drive you crazy they'll drive you insane.
Hallelujah brother.
--Posted by a. on Tuesday, September 14, 2004.
Free Tibet
--Posted by s. on Sunday, September 12, 2004.
Kirk Spock 2004. Leadership for the future
--Posted by s. on Friday, September 10, 2004.
I'm so tired
Good night
I haven't slept a wink
{the sun is up)
I'm so tired0
Sleep tight
My mind is on the blink
I wonder
Should I get up?
and fix myself a drink?
I can't sleep,
I can't stop my brain
(Good morning, good morning)
It's been three weeks!
(the sky is blue)
I'm going insane
(Good morning, Good morning)
you know,
I'd give you anything I've got
{limitless undying love}
a little peace of mind.
{that shines around me like a million suns and calls me on and on}
(it's beautful)
~across the universe
and ~so are you.
--Posted by s. on Friday, September 10, 2004.
(Disclaimer: not a bumper sticker. Ruthlessly plagarized, natch. But not a bumper sticker)
shipwrecked and comatose?

--Posted by s. on Thursday, September 09, 2004.
Bush/Cheney 2004: This time, really elect us!
--Posted by s. on Wednesday, September 08, 2004.
Democrats are sexy.
Have you ever heard of a nice piece of elephant?
--Posted by s. on Monday, September 06, 2004.
Return of an old favorite:
What I've been reading (It's been awhile):
Plato: Five Dialogues (Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo)
Summer of my German Soldier
Die Physiker
2001: A space odyssey
Lamb, or, The Gospel According to Biff, Jesus' childhood friend.
--Posted by s. on Sunday, September 05, 2004.
John Kerry 2004: The lesser of two evils
--Posted by s. on Sunday, September 05, 2004.
George W. Bush: Like a rock. Only dumber
Disclaimer: All opinions, blah, blah, blah . . . I try to be bipartisan, but there just aren't that many republican bumper stickers around here. Not funny ones, anyway.
--Posted by s. on Saturday, September 04, 2004.
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
Bush Cheney 2004
--Posted by s. on Thursday, September 02, 2004.