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  Daily Connotations  

Entropy Happens.
Join the madness.

You don't have to push the boundaries when you set the standards.

Connotation. 1. a. The configuration of suggestive or associative implications consitiuting the general sense of an abstract espression beyond its literal, explicit sense. b. A secondary meaning suggested by a word in addition to its literal meaning. 3. Logic The total of the attributes constituting the meaning of a term.

Observations, opinions, and ideas, all brought to you by Daily Connotations Company. Who Else?

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Disclaimer: Any opinions contained on this page are those of, well, we don't really know who. Any offense taken to anything present should be directed to Sven, who will file and ignore your comments. Praise or compliments can be directed to either Dr. N, Dr. What, or Dr. Olga. All plagarized material has been tested and deemed satisfactory according to the esteemed code of Lehrer, version 2.3.
The Entire Physical Universe, Including This Blog, May One Day Collapse Back into an Infinitesimally Small Space. Should Another Universe Subsequently Re-emerge, the Existence of This Blog in That Universe Cannot Be Guaranteed.

Team Members

Sven Bjorn Borg
Sven has been with d-con since its humble beginnings, and is responsible for punctuating, finances, guarding the office from rabid dogs and loud noises, and acting as mediator amongst the other members. Dr. Borge is well-known as the world's foremost (and perhaps only) underwater-basket-weaving expert. Sven has recently published no less than 3 books, Klingon Grammar and Vocabulary for humans, Life among the Grapes, and Escher, Bach, Gödel: A gigantic elastic bungalow. In it's copious spare time, the Sven enjoys playing the harpsichord and diagramming sentences. Sven is Chief of Staff and Director of Intelligence in the UPICN,LLC.

Dr. Bob William "The Orange" Lavoisier
a.k.a. Dr. Henry Parsons
Dr. N, as we like to call him, is officially the initiator of the Daily Connotations Company, and also holds important Offices in the VVIIPP society of America and The Department of Redundancy Department, which is a place where he holds an important office in the department of redundancy. Henry also spent a good deal of his life studying the behavior of Walruses (Walri?) in the wild, inspired by a long-running correspondence with Mr. J. Lennon, who, in fact, convinced "The Orange" that he was, in fact, a walrus. Dr. Parsons' curriculum vitae is rounded out by his extensive family history (including a brother, Alan), and double Ph.D. honors in Botany and the Study of Scandinavian Languages. Recently, Dr. Henry Parsons was elected president of the UPICN,LLC

The Doctor
a.k.a. Dr. What??
Dr. What joins us now as a member of d-Con in very good standing. It is important that the doctor not be confused with his slightly-more-popular brother, Doctor Who, who has carved a niche for himself in the field of time travel. Dr. What never developed the talent for time travel, and has the ability to visit only two distinct temporal locations: The beheading of John the Baptist and that one time when Stanley met Livingstone (or was it Livingstone met Stanley?) Consequently, he spends much of his time knitting (the scarves, natch) on the planet Gallifrey whilst (and at the same time) contemplating Nietzschean philosophies and memorizing much of Immanuel Kant's work, both in the original German.

Dr. Phelealabean
Dr. Phelealabean also uses the alias Dr. Olga Olathe Parsons-Uhlmer. Dr. Parsons-Uhlmer is a sister to Henry and Alan. She has a dual honorary doctorate in Arabian Literature and Language. She also has teaching experience at the University of Rekjavik which was held in a small grass-covered hut. She iswidowed after an incident involving her husband and abandonment which she is not allowed to discuss pending criminal charges. Now that she is alone, she enjoys spending summers with her brother, Henry, in his summer home, The Parsonon.


There's a reason this section is at the bottom of the column. Um, I think someone called us 'interesting' once, maybe. That's about it.

copyright 2003-2006.
steal what you want.



Mission (Nothing) Accomplished

--Posted by s. on Tuesday, August 31, 2004.



Howard Dean for America

--Posted by s. on Monday, August 30, 2004.



Friends don't let friends vote republican

--Posted by s. on Sunday, August 29, 2004.



Annoy a liberal:
Work hard and be Happy

--Posted by s. on Saturday, August 28, 2004.



Countdown to Nov. 2, 2004

(A bumper sticker collection, presented in random installments)

Protect the environment in 2004 (Cut down a Bush)

--Posted by s. on Friday, August 27, 2004.



I don't believe time travel is possible.

Not just now, with our current technology, but anytime. Obviously if time travel is ever possible - ever becomes possible (that is, if the human race ever learns how to control time travel) - we ought to be bombarded with time travellers constantly, coming back to visit the archaic past.

But I can't logically make it work at all. I am open to suggestions (and the bits of me that were raised on Star Trek, Ray Bradbury, and Doctor Who would love to be proven wrong). Maybe I'm just thinking too three-dimensionally!

There's a lot out there I know nothing about. (and how boring would it be if there wasn't?)

--Posted by s. on Wednesday, August 11, 2004.



I am viewing this assignment with trepidation.

Once upon a time, about last Tuesday, I believe, there lived a young damsel and a dashing young lad. They were settled in a small farm manor in England, which was not really near Liverpool, but was in the constabulary of the Liverpudlian district nevertheless. Life for them was far from perfect, as the current state of English society is nothing less than a dystopia. Yes, friends, this is no hyperbole! While all citizens had plenty of food and drink and lived in relative harmony with each other, the society lacked even the basic mental stimulations - even that of adding together prices at the local grocers or confabulating about what was on the evening news. Because of the doldrums that their minds existed in, a state of atrophy had gently settled on the entire nation and was suffocating their free will and democracy.

It was into this society that the Great Teacher entered. A man of great learning, impenetrable knowledge and eloquent speech, he quickly perceived the abecedarian attitudes of the populi of then nation. The damsel, called Eglentine, and the lad, yclept Nigel, were the first persons he encountered - and they certainly made their condition obvious! Eglentine was all too ready to acquiesce to the expected standards for a woman of her rank (milk maid, that is), and Nigel defined the epitome of rote rank-and-file cookie-cutter mindless robotic behaviour, particularly in ecclesiastical matters. The Great Teacher was forced to watch them sit about aimlessly watching the telly, a pastime which led to the culmination of decay in their already-troubled minds. The idea of leisure - that is, the complete disuse of any form of mental facilities that might be mistakenly taken as ÒworkÓ - was deified - an apotheosis that discombobulated the Great Teacher very much, as his academic sensibilities were not accustomed to such quixotic anarchy in the thought processes surrounding him. Simple acts of cognition were unheard of - and the metacognition and meta-metacognition present in the Great Teachers mind simply could not exist in such conditions.

The Great Teacher realized that in order to bring any sort of intelligent advancement to the atrophied minds of Nigel and Eglentine, a sort of rapprochement must needs occur. The intellectual bits of their brains would have to become reacquainted with the parts of their brains they use in everyday life - but how?

Eglentine will do, to start - the sweet, shy, dull, boring, completely reticent girl will be taken out of the boundaries that confine her. A start with the classic literature -The Canterbury Tales, The Inferno, Julius Caesar. And for a lovely denouement, our heroine, inspired by the literature the Teacher has exposed her to, our unprepossessing young woman dies, as did the lovely Cleopatra of old, by placing an asp to her bosom.

Nigel, moved to great tears on account of because the premature fading of his lovely Eglentine flower and mentored by the Teacher, becomes a great poet, holing himself away in the den of a bar/used bookstore frequented by many seedy characters, only to die of a broken heart (and tuberculosis) on the eve of his thirtieth birthday. Luckily for us, before he died, he had woven many wondrous and beautiful poems, not the sort that are so ubiquitous in Hallmark cards and the like, but those that exist only on diaphanous vellum sheets and flowery petals, detailing the loss of Eglentine, dear, sweet, Eglentine, and the following imbroglio with Veronica (and Alice and Lucy and Tilly and Gertrude and Margaret and the lovely evening of mastication with Judith, and the trysts with Mary and Anne and Jane, and the one-night stand with the woman whose name he just couldnÕt bring him self to remember, and many torpid affairs with Sue, Millie, Zelda, Zoe, Alma, Helen, Cleo, Marge, and Pierre. Aha, lucky Pierre!)

Alas, total discombobulation!

--Posted by s. on Monday, August 09, 2004.



I am behind but today is still the final day.


And now let the construction commence...............!!!!!

--DR. HP

--Posted by Kelly D. Norris on Thursday, August 05, 2004.




--Posted by s. on Wednesday, August 04, 2004.




--Posted by s. on Tuesday, August 03, 2004.


Today's word: (hey I'm on schedule for a change)


--Dr. HP

--Posted by Kelly D. Norris on Tuesday, August 03, 2004.



Today's word:


--Dr. HP

--Posted by Kelly D. Norris on Monday, August 02, 2004.


Some things are just too weird -

Like, for example, who first came up with the idea of snorting cocaine? I mean, really, I could be alone on a desert island with vials of white powder for decades before I thought "gee, I wonder what would happen if i inhaled this stuff?"

Or whose idea was it to make angel food cake - which I know (even in my somewhat limited knowledge of the wonderful world inhabited by Martha Stewart, Julia Child, and Emeril Legasse) is made by taking about a dozen eggs, separating the insides of said eggs so that the yellow stuff (yolks) and the white stuff (albumen) are nicely segregated, throwing the yellow stuff out, and then beating the white stuff (or probably originally just stirring it - like with a spoon) until it amazingly gets white (despite the fact we call it the 'white' of the egg, it's really sort of clearish until it is cooked or beaten) and really puffy.

This has been random archaic babblings from S.. Join us next time for a few words on knitting and sea anemones.

--Posted by s. on Monday, August 02, 2004.



--Posted by s. on Monday, August 02, 2004.



In the spirit of lists:

Entropy--a copy yes but a must for ANY list
Goat cheese
Semper Fidelis
Uxorious-oh my!


--Posted by Kelly D. Norris on Sunday, August 01, 2004.


I am now three days behind.


A note to Sven- discombobulated has already been posted unless we plan on using it more than once in the sentence! ;)

--DR. HP

p.s.-the word spree shall continue for another week before we enter into our grammatical constructions. (End Date-August 5th)

--Posted by Kelly D. Norris on Sunday, August 01, 2004.

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