Entropy Happens.
Join the madness.
You don't have to push the boundaries when you set the standards.
Connotation. 1. a. The configuration of suggestive or associative implications consitiuting the general sense of an abstract espression beyond its literal, explicit sense. b. A secondary
meaning suggested by a word in addition to its literal meaning. 3. Logic The total of the attributes constituting the meaning of a term.
Observations, opinions, and ideas, all brought to you by Daily Connotations Company. Who Else?
May 2003
June 2003
July 2003
August 2003
September 2003
October 2003
November 2003
December 2003
January 2004
February 2004
March 2004
April 2004
May 2004
June 2004
July 2004
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March 2007
Disclaimer: Any opinions contained on this page are those of, well, we don't really know who.
Any offense taken to anything present should be directed to Sven, who will file and ignore your comments.
Praise or compliments can be directed to either Dr. N, Dr. What, or Dr. Olga. All plagarized material has been tested and deemed satisfactory according to the esteemed code of Lehrer, version 2.3.
IMPORTANT NOTICE TO VIEWERS: The Entire Physical Universe, Including This Blog, May One Day Collapse Back into an Infinitesimally Small Space. Should Another Universe Subsequently Re-emerge, the Existence of This Blog in That Universe Cannot Be Guaranteed.
Team Members
- Sven Bjorn Borg
- Sven has been with d-con since its humble beginnings, and is responsible for punctuating, finances,
guarding the office from rabid dogs and loud noises, and acting as mediator amongst the other members. Dr. Borge is well-known as the world's foremost (and perhaps only) underwater-basket-weaving expert.
Sven has recently published no less than 3 books, Klingon Grammar and Vocabulary
for humans, Life among the Grapes, and Escher, Bach, Gödel: A gigantic elastic bungalow. In it's copious spare time, the Sven enjoys playing the harpsichord and diagramming sentences. Sven is Chief of Staff
and Director of Intelligence in the UPICN,LLC.
- Dr. Bob William "The Orange" Lavoisier
a.k.a. Dr. Henry Parsons
- Dr. N, as we like to call him, is officially the initiator of the Daily Connotations Company, and also holds important
Offices in the VVIIPP society of America and The Department of Redundancy Department, which is a place where he
holds an important office in the department of redundancy. Henry also spent a good deal of his life studying the behavior of Walruses (Walri?) in the wild, inspired by a long-running correspondence with Mr. J. Lennon, who, in fact, convinced "The Orange" that he was, in fact, a walrus. Dr. Parsons' curriculum vitae is rounded out by his extensive family history (including a brother, Alan), and double Ph.D. honors in Botany and the Study of Scandinavian Languages.
Recently, Dr. Henry Parsons was elected president of the UPICN,LLC
- The Doctor
a.k.a. Dr. What??
- Dr. What joins us now as a member of d-Con in very good standing. It is important that the doctor not be confused
with his slightly-more-popular brother, Doctor Who, who has carved a niche for himself in the field of time travel.
Dr. What never developed the talent for time travel, and has the ability to visit only two distinct temporal locations:
The beheading of John the Baptist and that one time when Stanley met Livingstone (or was it Livingstone met Stanley?)
Consequently, he spends much of his time knitting (the scarves, natch) on the planet Gallifrey whilst (and at
the same time) contemplating Nietzschean philosophies and memorizing much of Immanuel Kant's work, both in the original
- Dr. Phelealabean
- Dr. Phelealabean also uses the alias Dr. Olga Olathe Parsons-Uhlmer. Dr. Parsons-Uhlmer is a sister to Henry and Alan. She has a dual honorary doctorate in Arabian Literature and Language. She also has teaching experience at the University of Rekjavik which was held in a small grass-covered hut. She iswidowed after an incident involving her husband and abandonment which she is not allowed to discuss pending criminal charges. Now that she is alone, she enjoys spending summers with her brother, Henry, in his summer home, The Parsonon.
There's a reason this section is at the bottom of the column. Um, I think someone called us 'interesting' once, maybe. That's about it.
copyright 2003-2006. steal what you want.
To which race of Middle Earth do you belong? brought to you by Quizilla
--Posted by s. on Saturday, May 31, 2003.
On the beauty of pursuing trivia, leaving school, and philately.
First a heads up on the traditional Trivial Pursuit game. This year we have developed our own version - basically the same as the original, only ours is a contact sport. Bob/Willy&Henry of course was playing. Olga Olathe, Potato Olé, Father John, and Davis were all playing also. Official results have not as of yet been posted.
And of course, the end of May brings extreme amounts of joy to schoolchildren everywhere. Dr. N and I are definitely in that group - finally we can stop going to that silly place and start staying home and learning important things. (Like improvising 5-voice fugues, reading the dictionary ~"Did you know that 'confabulate' means to converse or chat?"~ memorizing large portions of the Old Testament, Hamlet, and Strawberry Fields Forever. And spending large amounts of time having our minds forever corrupted by the filth that defines American music - Tom Lehrer) The blog will still be in operation, although perhaps from long distances. As if that mattered.
Philately? I don't really have anything to say about that. Except, of course, that it means "stamp collecting" and is pretty fun to say.
--Posted by s. on Wednesday, May 28, 2003.
As promised:
Trying to find a rhyme for orange
Isn't so easy to do.
It's fixing an old race car eng-
ine with no more than duct tape and glue,
or trying to heal a war inj-
ury with cat gut and eye of newt.
It always leads to bizarre enj-
ambments, making normal words permute.
The gauntlet is thrown for your enj-
oyment; If you'd like to try, feel free -
But I'll just leave it to more ing-
eneous people than me.
The meter is not completely right yet, but I kind of like it. There may eventually be a revised edition.
--Posted by s. on Friday, May 23, 2003.
I have solved the orange problem.
However, I do not have enough time right now to post it - more later.
--Posted by s. on Monday, May 19, 2003.
Congratulations to all y'all special grads! We're proud of ya (I think)!
Graduates connected with the d-con company include Toriann and Delra.
Thanks, guys! (er, girls)
--Posted by s. on Sunday, May 18, 2003.
Roses are Red, Tiger-lilies are orange,
Some poems rhyme, but this one doesn't.
The ORANGE Challenge.
It has occured to us that some silly people have been claiming that there is no rhyme in English for the word "Orange". This strikes me as being, well, rather anal-retentive. I strongly believe that one of the distinguishing characteristics of English, (as well as any other human-generated language) is that it is flexible. Squishy, even. There probably isn't just one word that will perfectly rhyme with orange, but there surely is a series of words, a phrase, that when spoken in normal-English speed & inflection will rhyme with orange. . . Or-inge. . . Er-ange. . . Enjoy!
When a suitable solution is generated, it will be posted. Perhaps several will be. All will be credited to the proper source, and all will be subject to my annotations and/or commentary.
--Posted by s. on Tuesday, May 13, 2003.
Well folks, howdy do!
Many great things are happening at Daily Connotations Company. Some of these include but are not limited too: Icelandic rune translation/decoding, Friendly disagreements over trifling issues such as how the existence of worms impacts the auto industry and what is the purpose of Lauras, and other very, VERY, important things.
As of this posting I will officially recognize Dr. Sven Bjorge as the Chief Directoral Presidential Executive of the Book Department. It will be its job to oversee editorials and Desert Island Lists. Dr. Bjorge is also responsible for purchases and janitorial finances.
More later!
--Dr. Bob William "THE ORANGE" Lavoisier
aka Dr. Henry Parsons
--Posted by Kelly D. Norris on Monday, May 12, 2003.
"[Lefschetz and Einstein] had a running debate for many years.
Lefschetz insisted that there was difficult mathematics. Einstein said
that there was no difficult mathematics, only stupid mathematicians.
I think that the history of mathematics is on the side of Einstein."
Richard Bellman
--Posted by s. on Thursday, May 08, 2003.
Well, as things seem to be under control with all that, I'd like to thank the GAT department for all the monies to buy books and for the opportunity to brainiac every-once-in-a-while.
For today, let's just begin with a simple Daily Connotation, (convienentlly referred to as d-con), brought to you by a really, really freakin' awesome Physical Science/Chemistry/Physics teacher who just happened to quote Douglas Adams while explaining the law of conservation of matter!
Daily Connotations Company
4004 Maria Ave. (or should that be Ave Maria?)
Poughskeepsie, Alaska 48931
--Posted by s. on Tuesday, May 06, 2003.
Welcome to Daily Connotations Company, Inc.!
I would like to extend my thanks to co-founder/president/senior temporary acting director/janitor-at-large/head filing cabinet operator/senior keyboard permutations analyst Dr. Sven Bjorge for finding and putting together this site...thanks man!
(Getting teary).....I never dreamed that (sob) it would come to this. That my dream of providing daily, inspriational and yet informational thoughts would evolve to a webpage where all could see it........(tear).......(sob)......(tissue time)........
(Now recovered).......We hope you enjoy our daily connotations. Because our firm has been operating for quite some time out of the BCHS Library Media Center Computer Lab #1 we have accrued quite a collection of our favorite daily cons.....t-shirts to follow!
For all emotionally disturbed or undisturbed folk out there we hope.....well we hope!
Sincerely in part,
Dr. Bob William "THE ORANGE" Lavoisier
aka Dr. Henry Parsons, PhD
President and Founder
Daily Connotations Company
Senior Executive Vice President
Very, Very, Intelligent, Important, Perfect Peoples Association of America (VVIIPP)
In general quite special!
--Posted by Kelly D. Norris on Monday, May 05, 2003.
Life, on the whole, tends to be like that.
Introductions to follow.
--Posted by s. on Monday, May 05, 2003.